Instant Tax Refund Services
Took money did not tell me fees did not give me paper wook took&491of my moneywould not anwser phone when called

Business & Finance

I went to file my taxes the young men i talk to on phone Anthony told me to go in and file paper work he would take care of me so i did that Anthony final went in to the office 5 days later and completed the work he told me i was getting back $1200. Dollars when I went to pick up my check it said despoit $845:82 instant tax took 491 from my check with out my knowing the fees where what it would cost it was never told to me i ask what happen i was told thay file a lot of paper work for me i never saw the paper work when try to reach them no one would anwser the phone are no one was there i revice a letter from IRs saying what was takeing from me by them IRS and what i should have revice back and instant tax took more from me then was given to me Iwas give a chek for $300.23 I never revice my state refund from them dont know what happen they rip my nices off as well some thing need to be done about them i have never been charge that amount of money to do my taxes i want my mony back that was taken from me. Thank you for you attention to this matter.

Company: Instant Tax Refund Services
Country: USA
State: Missouri
Address: 35oo Troost
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Instant Tax Service
The company charged me way more money than what they said. I was never shown a paper with their fees. When I relized they took almost 700.00 I went to the company. No luck there

Instant Tax Service
Fraud and rip off

Instant Tax Services
File my tax with my last pay check stub for a loan i got from them for $100.00

Instant Tax Service
Charged too much to file my taxes

Sv Card
Ripoff mail out a paper saying that i will revice a card just send in $45.00 and i will get it in the and i never reviced it

Instant Tax Services
Rip off

Instant Tax Service
Last pay check fraud, (shame on you)

Instant Tax Services
Ripoff, scam

Instant Tax Service
They Took my state taxes

Instant Tax Service
Consumer Report