Bank of America
Mortgage modification program

Business & Finance

I saw an add in a magazine that I could be eligible for a mortgage modification if I had a Fanny Mae loan. I called Bank of America and they told me over the phone after a series of 5 questions that I was temporarily approved for a modification and told me to send in $744.00 for my next payment instead of my usual $1453.00. I was thrilled but a little shocked that it could be this easy. This is when the nightmare began. This was back in October. They said I would get forms to fill out in a few weeks. They never came. Everytime I called to check on the status of my modification I would be transferred to different people, put on hold for long periods of time, one call lasted one and a half hours with no answers at the end of that time. One person kept asking me the same 5 questions to qualify and then told me just to send $477.00 a month. Nobody knew what they were talking about! Very uninformed group of reps. I got a phone call telling me my modification was denied but I should fax whatever I had in my savings to the bank immediately. Then I got another call telling me I would get a notice in the mail in March telling me whether or not I was accepted or not to get a modification. Talk about miscommunication among their people! I called again to see what was going on and this time, a rep told me that the process was never started and he would erase all my information and start over! Mind you, this is now March and I started this in October! Then the notice came to my house that if I didn't come up with almost $2300 that they would start proceedings of foreclosure as of March 18th. I called again. This time they had no answer for me. If I wanted to start the procedure over again, I could hold off foreclosure or get the money from so meone-no other alternatives! No payment plan! Nothing! I was not going to go through this nightmare again so I had to borrow money from my sister to save my house. I have never been late on my mortgage payments before until they gave me this temporary mortgage payment, refused my modification, then labelled me delinguent, wanted their back payments, and slapped late charges on me as well. After I sent them 2 regular payments of $1417 and the supposed back payments and late fees that they created for me, I received another phone call telling me I still owed them $100 late fees. I am at wits end with them and wish I could go to another bank but I cannot refinance at this time. HELP! I'm sure many people have experienced this same abuse from them. Make it known!

Company: Bank of America
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Orland Park
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