Washington Mutual - Chase
Approved a loan modification, then foreclosed the property, residence, after 2 days

Business & Finance

Washington Mutual Approved a loan modification on March 12th. We recieved the document the same day and we signed it and send it back registered overnight mail. (we tracked the package, it was accepted on March 15th) 3 days later (on March 18) a gentleman knocks on the front door and upon answering the door he informs us that he was the new owner of the property and had bought my home in an auction at the court house.
This is the second incident WaMu has done exactly this same thing. We panicked and called every possible department of WaMu from customer service, REO, Loss mitigation, etc. Most of the times they would transfer us to a line which would automatically disconnect and sometimes they would have the courage to tell us that the home is foreclosed! But no body admits to their mistake! No one acknowledges the reciept or even existance of the loan modification agreement or even the new loan number allocated to this agreement.
Lack of communication between the departments! God bless this institution which is geared by the public funds! TARP anybody?

Company: Washington Mutual - Chase
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Kacksonville
Address: 7255 Baymeadows Street
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