US Cash Advance

Business & Finance

On 01/29 at 9:05AM I missed a call from: 954-486-7974. I called back this number, it was busy. I listened to a voicemail from this number, the man spoke in a strange accent that I have not heard here in Alaska, maybe Arabian?

It was a really strange voicemail. The man said his name was Jeff and he is an investigator from Cooper Law Firm. He claimed that I need to have my attorney give him a call regarding an outstanding payday loan or legal action would be taken.

He then left a phone number where I could reach him: 940-580-2385. I called him back at 11:01AM at was on the phone for 24 minutes arguing with him.

He claimed that this line is being recorded and anything I say can be used against me. He said his name is Jeff Scott and he is an investigator at Cooper Law Firm. He told me I owe $723.69 from a payday loan taken out in which was unpaid. He would not tell me from what company this loan was taken out, but did tell me that the mother company is US Cash Advance.

I told him I had a legal right to know which company this loan was taken out of. He proceeded to tell me that it is not his job to go and rummage around in his attorneys office looking for my file. I then asked him “Are you serious? Is this a joke? ” He proceeded to get VERY angry and started yelling at me. Every time I tried to speak he told me not to interrupt him.

He then tried to “make a deal” with me. He told me that I could pay him $100 today and could pay the rest of the money on my next payday. I told him I couldn’t do that. He then told me to borrow money from my friends. I told him that was not possible. He told me that wasn’t his problem and that if I couldn’t pay, he was going to notify my current employer and I will lose my job, as I will be considered a felon.

It sounded ludicrous to me. I was extremely flustered and frustrated. I then asked him again, “Is this real? Because it sounds like a joke… you are EXTREMELY unprofessional! ” He then began to yell and said, “Ma’am we don’t want your money, never mind! You are going to have legal action taken against you, good luck! ” And he hung up on me.

I called the number back the next day. Someone answered, this is so and so. I can’t remember the name; in fact I couldn’t understand what he said, because of his accent. I then said, “This is a company? ” And he replied, “Cooper Law Firm.” I could hear a lot of different voices in the background speaking. They all had the same strange accent.

I asked him where he was located. He said “Dallas, Texas”. I asked him for his address. He said: 1408 Bryan Tower, Jennifer Court, Texas, 76042.

The next day I received a missed call from: 954-485-4276 at 7:31AM – no voicemail, I called back, busy.

I googled this address… I couldn’t find anything.

I googled “Cooper Law Firm”, found a company in South Carolina, phone number: 1-800-356-0091. I called them, left a voicemail, letting them know that someone is claiming to be from their company trying to collect on a bogus payday loan. I googled “Cooper Law Office”, found a company based in California. Phone Number: 510-558-8400. I left the same message.

This was extremely frustrating to me. As in the past I have taken out payday loans. And have made payments to all of them.

This fraudulent team had my social security number, my past employer information, and my phone number.

I could ignore this and hope it goes away, but I am going to report this information to the FBI, and the Social Security Office, as these scammers have my information.

I advise anyone else going through this to do the same.

Company: US Cash Advance
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
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