Bank of America
Can they do this?

Business & Finance

Bank of America took 24k of my money and I STILL can't get it back from them. I opened a new account and they decided to close it and mail me a check. They said there was something on chex system on me. Which they gladly took my money and didn't mention anything at first. So, I ordered the report from chex system and was told it was an error. Bank of America wouldn't give the money back they said I had to wait until they closed my account and then they would mail me a check. It has been over 2-1/2 weeks now and still no check. I look in the mail everyday and still no money and when I call them they said they just cut the check (3 times now) and STILL no money. Is this legal? Can they keep my money for this length of time??? This just doesn't seem right. Am I wrong to question this type of service from a bank? It's my money, not theirs but they can legally hold onto MY money???

I'm so conufsed by this.

Company: Bank of America
Country: USA
State: Texas
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