Consumer Advance Credit unauthorized check withdrawal

Business & Finance

A way to start the new year!? I woke to find this company has posed a check against my account in the amount of 69.95. The check has an address of which doesnt even exist. It says there was a voice authorization and I dont even know what that is. Called the 800 number and got the same run around as everyone else. I am an Active Duty military spouse out of state for the holidays and appalled that someone has my information! This is rediculous. Luckily I bank with a government bank. I have filed a fraud report with my bank, with FTC and of course am filing a rip off report. I am also putting an alert onto my credit reports as I have no idea how much of my info is out there. I advise that if this has happened to anyone else to do the same. I have also noticed a HIGH amount of SPAM in my email box and am flagging them all. This is crazy, someone has alot of my information!

Company: Consumer Advance Credit
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las vegas
Address: 8550 west desert inn
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Consumer Advance Credit
They wrote an unauthorized check in my name, and took out 69.95 out of my account

Consumer Advance Credit
Unauthorize transaction

Consumer Advance Credit and Unigaurd
Freedom Subscriptions and who knows what else. 12/29 took a unauthorized check for 69.95 and took another 19.95 on 1/7

Consumer Advanced Credit
Unauthorized check from bank account on dec 31

Consumer Advance Credit
Fraudulent withdrawal

MB Pink Home Entertainment
PHE Subscription MB Pink Home Entertainment & PHE Subscription: Compass Bank: Check Fraud Ripoff

Cybertel Security
Ripoff took $298 of unauthorized funds from my bank account, CIC CE FREE CREDIT REPORT
I was charged 25.90, did not have permission and my bank will not do a thing about it. Nothing is free! Free credit report my a!

Dynamic Credit Sevices
Ripoff scam con artists fraud took us for all we had What makes me crazy is they are using reputable people to go with their scam

Consumer Advance Credit