Cross Country Bank
Ripoff abused & mistreated corruption evil dirt bags the business that doesnt give a dam has a class action suit pending

Business & Finance

The state of Minnesota and New York has filed a class action suit against Cross Country bank.

Here are the web addresses: State. Mn.Us/consumer/PDF/CrossCtyBank_Complaint_. Pdf

Http://www.oag. State. Ny.Us/press/apr/cross_country_bank_affirm. Pdf

Http://www.oag. State. Ny.Us/press/apr/apr3a. Pdf

Http://www.oag. State. Ny.Us/press/apr/cross_country_bank_vp. Pdf

Company: Cross Country Bank
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Boca Raton
Address: P.O. Box 310711
Phone: 8778900117
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