Vantage Press, Inc
Defraudes authors using internet websites and the U.S. Mails

Shops, Products, Services

Have you too, been ripped-off by these fraudulent "publishers"?

Vantage Press, Inc. Was found guilty of a massive fraud in a class-action suite; Stella v. Vantage Press, Inc., 492 N.Y.S. 2d 390,109 A.D. 2d 423 (N.Y.A.D. 1 Dept. 1985), according to Fastcase.

Vantage Press, Inc. Fraudlently misrepesented themselves as a "subsidity publisher" of books which purportedly would provide editorial assistance and publishing services and the use of advertising, radio and television as part of its publishing program, that its books were advertised and available in book stores and that it invested in each book and promoted its sale.

They did no such things so purported and were therefore found to be a complete and total "subsidiy publisher" fraud by the court.

Vantage Press Inc. Swindled between 2,400 and 3,600 authors who paid the fee to Vantage Press, Inc. The court found in favor of the plaintiffs and against fradulent Vantage Press, Inc.

Well, some individuals claim that they are at it again!

If there are any readers of this report (including a Mr. Pablo Marquez-Garcia of Lees Summitt, Missouri) who are authors and who believe they have been defrauded more recently by Vantage Press, Inc. 419 Park Ave. South, New York, NY 10016 (or its employees, officers or directors) and are seeking redress in the courts as part of a contemplated federal multi-state class-action suit alleging a similar fraud as that for which they have already been once convicted, as noted above, (including criminal charges for U.S. Mail fraud), please file your own consumer complaints..

Company: Vantage Press, Inc
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Address: 419 Park Ave. South
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Vantage Press
Intends to defraud its authors and does not promote books

Vantage Press
Vantage Point

Vantage Press Publishing Company
Vantage Press charged me $14,000 to print a 131 page book and I haven't seen a dime back in royalties yet and it's been over two years now. The publicity department told me that I had sold 10 books

Vantage Press Inc
Vantage Press is a Fraud, What can I do about it?

Vantage Press
Ripped off a senior citizen (my mom) big time to publish a book for her

Vantage Press
I was totally ripped by Vantage Press

Vantage Press, Inc
Vantage produced substandard book, no title on the spine, never showed a prototype, and bookstores will not carry such books. Ripoff

Vantage Press Inc
Technically, they have not YET ripped me off, but offered me a subsidy book publishing contract for my poetry, and requested 7500.00!

Vantage Press
Took $6350 dollars to publish my book and did not send them out or sell them

Vantage Press, Inc
Beginner Writer Program Fraud / Ripoff / Pathetic People