Cross Country Bank
Is there a class action suit that would include ohio? If so i want in!

Business & Finance

I am looking for a class action suit against CCB that includes the state of OHIO. I too have all the same complaints as all who have ever listed on this site. I will not bore you with repeating what you already know to well.

I have tried to make an arrangement to pay off my bill till I am blue in the face. I am not paying in full the amount that they have chosen. There needs to be a very influential third party involved in this situation.

If there is a class action going on now that I can be included in please post it on this site in ALL CAPS and address it to OHIO.

dayton, ohio

Company: Cross Country Bank
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Boca Raton
Address: PO BOX 310711
Phone: 8772737690
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