Complete Merchant Solutions
CMS Signed us up, took our money and cancelled us without authorization. Manipulated and lied to us

Business & Finance

CMS sent out a representative and promised us they would take care of our cancellation fee with previous company if we signed up with them. They changed the form we signed and they didn't cover it; we had to pay for it. They also promised lower rates that we were getting and we did not recieve those rates. That representive disappeared.

The second representative that came out to office lied also and they screwed up the machine so that many of our batches would not go through. We still havent seen that money along with the whole month we were with them. They cancelled our account without authorization after one month and still haven't given us any of the money we should recieve through transactions.

They promised the money and the missing batches when we would return their machine and we still have not recieved any of our money. We couldn't believe how decietful and manipulative they have been and they just harrassed us and lied to us. We are still trying to find anyone that will help us... Better Business Bureau, Consumer Protection and the Dept for Business Licensing which they say this business does not have. They wont answer our phone calls and call us names when we could get a hold of them.

Company: Complete Merchant Solutions
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Orem
Phone: 8772674324
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