Western Union Money Orders
Blocked funds in master card account Wetsern Union prey on poor people with outragous charges and poor service, Ausralia

Business & Finance

Keep away from these scum bags. Their internet money transfer web site has successfully frozen several hundred dollars and sent no money to anyone. I am unable to do anything for a few days, so if thats your only money your recipient has to wait several days until it sorts itself out. Terrible customer service from untrained operators.
These companies prey on poor people who have no other monetary instruments available to them. An AUD$540 transfer ends up costing AUD$625 due to lousy exchange rates added to the $51 fee, a whopping $85. The banks charge $35 for a TT of any amount but it takes longer and must go into a bank account at the other end, this is often difficult for poor people. If you want to send funds to family member the cheapest easiest way I can think of is sending your relative a debit master card after opening yourself a second bank account, transfer the money in to that online. This way each cash withdraw they make can be done at an ATM and costs about $5, the money is exchanged at a reasonable rate and the whole process can take as little as 1 hour for them to receive the money.

Company: Western Union Money Orders
Country: Australia
City: Sydney
Site: www.westernunion.com.au
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