Consumer Portfolio Services

Business & Finance

I had a loan through this company. I trusted my now ex-boyfriend to make the payments, and he pockted them. No one called me from CPS to let me know I was behind on payments. They called my brother, who was a co-signer on the car. He informed them that I was responsibile for the car, and to call me not him. My brother then called me and gave me the message. I called them, and explained that if something is wrong with the loan, to please call me, so that I'm aware of the message. She sent up an agreement with my brother and he held up his end of the deal. Now she leaves a message on my mom's cell phone and discloses that she is trying to reach my brother and that he hasn't returned her calls, and that is about the settlement. They are trying to back out of the agreement with him. When she calls me she uses a private number, I have told her that unless you call from a number when I can see the number I'm not answering the phone. She calls at least 6 or so times a day. I have proof she disclosed personal infomation to a third party, and that's against the law. I use to work for a collection agency and I know that you can't disclosed any personal information about someone unless the debter gives his/her ok. I was sick a few weeks back and she called me and was very rude, I told her I was sick and I could hardly talk because of the flu and all. I told her that I had a very bad case of the flu along with bronchitis and she continued to talk. I hung up and went back to sleep and she kept calling me. I finally just turned my phone off so I could rest. If you have proof that they are disclosing personal information, talk to an attorney because they aren't allowed to do so. If they make a settlement agreement with you make them fax it over to you so you have it in writting. Keep a record of all the calls and if you can tape all the messages that are left. This company thinks it can do what it wants and they don't care. I threated to go to the media about them.

Company: Consumer Portfolio Services
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tamrac
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