Florida First Financial
Florida First Financial - calling as policeman

Business & Finance

This company has got to be one of the biggest ripoff companies out there. On several occasions I have been getting messages on my answering system from this company looking for my brother. I havent seen my brother in years, so I called the company to let them know my address and phone number are wrong. When I called I got a man named Tie Brook, he told me he was an investigator and needed to speak to my brother because he had him on docket for a criminal court case. I was very alarmed and worried that my brother was in trouble so I told him I would take his name and number and give it to my family members to find my brother. I gave the message to my family members.

Meanwhile I keep getting calls from this company after I asked them to stop! I called probably 15 times to Tie Brook and he just wants to yell at me about how my brother will be going to prison. When I ask for the details he claims he cant discus it with me for privacy reasons. I did some research online and found this Florida First is a big SCAM!!! After seeing this and finding out they are just a worthless collection agency, I called back to tell him I was reporting him, he now claims he never said he was an investigator and that the actual company filing charges was an Allan and associates. I looked this company up online and its not a registered company in florida. Big time scam that I will be reporting to the state!

Company: Florida First Financial
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tampa
Address: 1718 E. Giddens Ave
Phone: 8132371114
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