Conceco - Green Tree

Education & Science

I thought that I was the only person going through this. I had no idea that this was happening to so many people.

Conceco called my mothers house and left a message with her for me, to have my payment in on time time or the sherrif department would come to my house and get me. They also said that if I was late with my payment they would put me and my kids out on he street. They left this message with my brother at his house. On both calls they ve even asked my family members to let me borrow money for the payment by doing checks over the phone.

They called numbers back that I had called them from, including my friends cell phone numbers, my job, exhusband, my 75year old grandfather. These people were also asked if money could be borrowed for payment. What ever happend to the privacy pollicies that I signed?

I just talked to a represenative at conceco, April, she was very rude and demanded that I make a payment over the phone from my checking account. Then she started raising her voice at me. I told that I couldnt and that just made things worse. She told me that I couldnt hang the phone up until I talked to her manager. I explained to her that I was at work and I couldnt talk very long, she still insisted that I had better talk to her manager. I have been wrote up at work for having to many phone calls. I have asked conceco not to call these numbers but they call anyway.

In 2003 I reported that my home didnt have all the windows in it. I was told that there was nothing they could do adout it, take it up with the dealer. I also told them that I gave the dealer a $4000 dollar down payment, they didnt know anything about that.

They said that I was hind and had been behind sinc the very first payment was due. I gave the dealer my first two payments, three if you include the $300 dollars they told me I had to pay to show the finance company how serious I was about buying the trailor. Conceco didnt care. They told me that had nothing to do with them. Here I am thinking Im ahead in payments but Im really behind.

Yes, I have also had a run in with STEVE. He called my mother and left messages on her answering machine. He was very rude. Said he would have me put in jail if I didnt make my payment on time. What ever happend to the privacy agreement pollicies that I singned? What can I do to get out of my conract? Nothing was ever fixed on my home that was promised to be fixed. My doors wont even close because my house wasnt leveld properly. Conceco said there was nothing they could do about any of this. What can I do about this?

Company: Conceco - Green Tree
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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