Universial Acceptance Corporation
Scammers, Manipulators, Ilegal Operations

Business & Finance

Long story short:

Today (July, 21 09), I called UAC to advise them they need to lower my payments because I can't afford it anymore. I told them I have an 08 Grand Prix that is worth 350 a month plus other bills and necessities. Angela (Account Manager) said that she is higher than a supervisor, told me that I was 15 days late on my payment. I told her that she was a liar, I told her the way that they report to my CBR is the way I make my payments.

The funny thing about the whole situation is, when she told me how much I put down for how much rent I was paying, I grew very upset because the figure she gave me was WRONG! I advised Angela that they will be very upset with me once I move into my new place and they will HAVE to lower my payments.

I asked her what will happen if I don't make my payments to them. She said something that she shouldn't have said. She told me in her experience there, she have seen people's wages garnished.

*hold the hell up angela*

I told her that I am a federal debt collector and I have never seen a finance company garnish anyone! So I asked her why did she impose me of that. I told her she is threating something that cannot be done! I advised her that even if it can happen, I told her my job will NOT send them payments.

We went back and forth and I wanted her to lower my payments. I advised her that if they are not a "grace period" company, why do they give them. So I told her she can lower my payments. We went back and forth of that situation. Then I finally got pissed off when she was contradicting herself with info that I know about them, and stuff that she told me.

I advised her that I will make my next payment, and I will look them up and get info about them to see if they are legit or not. I told her that she needs to send me info about them immediately. I intimidated her because I was not backing down from them.

She said that she didn't mean to impose garnishment or anything and get me upset. I told her she already did and that's a threat. So I told her I will terminate the call and call back to see what info I get on them.

Company: Universial Acceptance Corporation
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Edina
Address: 7401 Bush Lake Rd
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