Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Smith Barney refuses to allow me to see the terms and conditions, saying "you dont need to see them"

Business & Finance

Smith barney holds shares of stock for an employee stock purchase plan for an ex-employer. They refuse transfer my shares to my broker when my broker requests them. An individual named "Sam" at the call center refuses to allow me to talk to his manager.

I am told I am bound by the plan documents that I agreed to, however I did not sign anything or receive any literature about the stock purchase plan. All I did was check a little box stating I wanted to join the stock purchase plan for $96.00 per week.

What I find astounding is that when I talk to smith barney and tell them I want to see "plan documents, terms and conditions, policies and procedures, or rules and regulations" they flat out refuse saying that they don't have to let me see them and they are not required to give them to me.

Company: Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Country: USA
State: Kentucky
City: Nationwide
Phone: 8003674777
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