Abie Williams, A Stockbroker With Citi Smith Barney This con artist, sociopath, liar, and cheat defrauded my family of well over $100,000. Radford Virginia

Business & Finance

The purpose of this letter is to warn you that George Abie Williams, a stockbroker with Citi Smith Barney in Radford, Virginia, is a con artist, a liar, and cheat who has defrauded my family of well over $100,000.

Mr. Williams purports to be a pillar of the community while he is quietly ripping off his investors. He particularly likes to prey on the uneducated, the weak, and the elderly.

My family had spent decades accumulating these moneys. Mr. Williams, acting without any authorization from us, continued to churn our account, over and over and over. (By the way, churning is excessive trading on an account so the broker can increase his commissions.)

What little advice that he gave was totally wrong and based in deceit so that we would continue to stay in a stock market that was so volatile that it experienced violent swings of up to 700-800 points in a day.
This way he could continue to churn, churn, and churn away on our account.

We are a God fearing Christian family. I don't know what we are going to do. I hope we have enough money for both food and prescription drugs for our ailments. I hope we can pay our heating bills. Most of all, I hope that we do not loose our home.

Let this be a warning. Stay away from investing with George Abie Williams unless you want him to cheat you out of your hard earned money.

He is truly the Bernie Madoff of The New River Valley. That's George Bernie Madoff Williams.

Company: George
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: 222 W Main St
Phone: 5305406399395
  <     >  


Abie Williams, A Stockbroker With Citi Smith Barney George Williams AKA Abie Williams Liar, Con Artist, Thief, Incompetent, Inept, Phoney, Deceitful, Churns Brokerage Accounts, Pig, Slimey, Jerk

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Consumer Report

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