ACS Legal Department
Harrassing calls about an unspecified suit filed by collections agency

Business & Finance

Received 3 'Private Caller' calls this morning to my business no. No answer the first time, the second time a Rick Foster asked for me and launched into confirming my id by asking if the last four of my social was xxxx? Which it was. I asked who he was, where he was from, what it was regarding... The guy talked over me and said he was putting a Larry Jones (who claimed to be an attorney) on the line to read me an Affidavit.
Supposedly some company (again couldn't really figure out what he was saying) CLAIMS I committed check fraud and some other crap!?!

I told him this was b.S. If he could not disclose exactly what he was saying, what complaint had been filed, (you don't start a lawsuit for a bad debt / or check fraud or WHATEVER their line was with an Affidavit! Duh) a docket no., etc... They said if I had an attorney to have them call to discuss, but never gave me a tel. No. (and again, this no. Came in Private Caller).

I flipped out and cursed him telling him whatever ACS was doing was illegal. If there's a real claim out there all you have to do is disclose it (I happen to know there isn't btw!) and they wouldn't. He called again several hours later and said he had not received a call from my attorney. Ha. And that he's at the Court House in LA. Double HA. I said, "Which one? The Superior Court? The one on Temple Street..."? With that he hung up!

I happen to have a paralegal background and plenty of attorney friends who DO WORK at the courthouse so I truly smell a rat here... Something fishy is going on. This is some kind of fraud or scam. I am going to file a complaint with the FTC, I think. At any rate, I felt I better post my 2cents about this since this seems to be happening to others and happening within days of each other.

Company: ACS Legal Department
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Address: Chula Vista Drive
Phone: 4083559855
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