Chase Bank Card
Credit Card Fraud and Identity theft off shore csinos have become more credit card savey. Chase Bank no help!

Business & Finance

I and my lovely wife have been the victims of unauthorized credit card theft and identity fraud from on line casinos. When I notified my banks they said the money came from ATM machines. When I told them I am the only one that knows that number they checked into it and charged back the funds.

Well I guess the off shore csinos have become more credit card savey. They then had Credit card laundering companies make the charges for merchandise and when questioned said they made a mistake. Know I am being charged on 10 different credit cards from 34 different on line casinos. They have sent my banks information personal SS#, address credit card numbers etc.

I claimed these charges to all be frauduent and sated some how these launders got my credit profile from credit reporting agencies. The banks said the reports do not contain my credit card numbers. I sent away for my reports and guess what every credit card number used was on the report. My name, address SS# employers telephone numbers and on and on and on. Be careful the next victim may be you in the new computer age.

Always check your credit statements and don't believe the banks when the say it taken care of. Write very time certfied return reciept mail. Try and get a supervisor to complain they are always on vacation.

To make matters worse I questioned the banks fraud investigator asking him how come 47 charges can be made on my cards for internet companies without them being flaged. That I wanted a complete investion signature, hard copy and authorization code. And by the way do your job that is what my interest payment do pay your salary.

Big mistake. Bank fraud investigator have access to all.

Company: Chase Bank Card
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Tempe
Address: 150 West University Drive
Phone: 18004417681
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