Ripoff harrassed and lied to us dirty ripoff liars

Business & Finance

I was surprised to see what this company has done to so many people, well not really surprised!

My story is, I cosigned for my son, he lived in Colorado, he lost his job, he had to move, we continued to make payments, it got to the point we had no more money, not knowing what to do my some called conseco to see what are options were, they told us to turn the Mobil home back to them, they would just write it off, we had to sign papers to turn it back over. Time went buy, we heard from conseco telling us they sold the mobil home for $600.00 and we had to pay the balance.

We asked them why when they are the ones that told us to turn it back to them and they were just going to write it off. I asked why they only sold it for $600.00 they told me that's all it was worth. I asked them if that's all it was worth why did they loan the money to us for 10,000 dollars for the mobil home, the guy I was talking to ignored my question so I told him it sounds like to me they are in the business to rip people off.

Well we kept getting phone calls from these people, wanting their money, they would get smart with me and tell me things like I better go get a loan and say things to be little me a one point they made me cry. Well this has gone on for awhile, they have finally sent it to a lawyer, now the pay off is up to 20,000 dollars. At one point they told us if we could come up with 4,000 dollars they would clear are debt at another time it was 6,000 but when you don't have the money you don't have the money.

That was are reason in the first place for calling them and trying to work out something. And like I said it was there solution for us to turn it back to them. All I can say for conseco these people are not human they have no feelings for what they are doing to people. Thank you for listening. Does anyone have a solution to stop these people.

Company: Conseco
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Westminister
Address: 9035 Wadsworth Pkwy
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Conseco Finance: Mobil Home Resales
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