Finance Rude, Degrading, abused & mistreated dirty SOB's steer clear of them. They will make you feel like the worst person on the planet just because you run into money troubles some time in your life. Ripoff

Business & Finance

Unfortunately I too have fell victim to Conseco finance's ploys. My husband and i financed our mobile home in may of 1999, and until last year we had always been timely with our payments. My husband lost his job and we got into a rut and got a couple of months behind, and upon getting a job we were still unable to catch up on our own.

My husband called conseco to try to work something out with them, and as soon as a representative picked up they said "What do YOU want?" very rudely. My husband asked to speak to a superviser since it was obvious that he need not waste his time on this asshole.

The superviser started degrading us before we even got 1 word out. We were called white trash, lowlife drug addicts, child abuser, and worse. My father who is the co-signer on the loan had already filed bankruptcy and included conseco on it, and 3 weeks later when they got the letter from my dad's lawyer this supervisor called again. When I answered the phone he immediately said "did you move yet" I said no. And he started in with the name calling and things like "I dont know why all you trashy people cant just pay your bills. You make me sick" I informed him that i was in the process of filing bankruptcy and he said "how you ignorant bitch? You have no money." I that point i told him he could take this 70ft long trailer and shove it up his ass and hung up on him. He had the nerve to call here 10 more times in that single night. (i just let the phone ring).

Anyone considering getting a loan through these people steer clear of them. They will make you feel like the worst person on the planet just because you run into money trouble some time in your life. I am now happily renting a home and will never again deal with assholes like that.

Company: Conseco
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Madison
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