Marcadis & Associates
Statue of limitations was up!

Business & Finance

I was in the hospital giving birth to my twins in December 1997. I was behind on many bills at that time because I was in the hospital. My car payment was behind & due. The company I had financed with called to collect the entire remaining amount left owing on my vechicle. I could not afford to send the entire amount, but offered payments to catch up. I was not that far behind, but I was late on two payments at the time. They said absoutley not & repossessed my vechicle the following month which was February of 1998. I didn't hear another word about this loan until five years & nine months passed by. November I got a suponea to appear in court for this. I did have a co-signer at the time I signed the contract so I immediately wanted to take on this responsibility so my co-signer would not be held reliable. I awaited the paperwork to come to my address with the payment information where to send my payments & so on & so fourth. I NEVER received the correct paperwork to sign or the address as to where to make my payments. A few more years passed by & I get this supoena to appear in an office & give a court reporter my income, bank accounts, property I own, etc... I was in shock about this & wondered why. I was quite young during all of this & was not aware that at the time there was a judgement against me. When I appeared in court the statue of limitations was up. I was not aware there was such a law in the state of Florida at the time I had appeared in court. My grandfather passed away December so I had to travel out of state. I was in the state of North Carolina when I get a phone call from a family friend saying there was a man in my driveway trying to serve papers at our residence. The man had called the family friend who did not live at my residence to get him to sign the paperwork & the friend refused to. The man put the paperwork on my gate at the end of my driveway & left. I called the attorney's office & do you know they insisted I would be in trouble if I did not show up for this suponea. I had to drive fast back to Florida & the week after my grandfather passed away I was there in that office. Once again I appeared to give my information to a court reporter. This time though I have a part time job working at the elementary school part time here in our town. I don't make $500.00 a week at my job because I can't afford daycare for my twins with the economy the way it is today. I have to work part time where my children are with me. Long story, but they want to garnish my wages now. I turned in paperwork to the clerk of court to stop the garnishment of my wages. I also asked the court to reopen the case & take another look at the dates. I'm certain this company is not going to give the correct dates. I don't have any paperwork to prove I'm correct about this because it was back in 1998. That's been eleven years ago. It was five years & nine months before they took me to court. It's not right how they did me. I can't afford to pay this amount because I do have two young twins that are still in school & will be for quite a while longer. Legal aid told me there was nothing I could do because of the length of time that had passed since the judgement was placed against me. I was not aware of the judgement at the time. Years had passed before I was made aware of the judgement. What could I possibly do to get some justice in this matter? If anyone could give me some help here I would greatly appreciate it!

Company: Marcadis & Associates
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tampa
Address: 5104 South Westshore Boulevard
Phone: 8132881881
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