BAS Bargain Advantage Society
Ripoff tricked and lied to us rip-off scam liars ripoff fake

Business & Finance

Readers Beware,
This company promises a major credit card when in all actuallity they only offer a bad "shure" type credit card only. The company can get away with saying they offer a major credit card because they have links to apply for these cards, never do they offer a majjor credit card from themselves.
In their terms its states:
"The credit line for purchases is available to buy goods or services wherever the card is honored, which at this time is limited to our BAS catalogs, web site and computer store."
Also note that they charge a $9.95 a month FEE!
"Membership dues are $9.95 per month" and they can do this by stating that they are a "membership club" My wife and I have ran across a couple of these scams and they all lead back to some kind of amway type buying club that offers sub standard items at premium prices.
In closing I will also mention that no on the the companies website does it state what type of Financing charges youll will be bill, and even there credit is worthless because stated in their terms section of website:
"Depending on the credit plan you choose your purchased may require between 0% and 45% down payment. The amount charged on your account, including purchases, finance charges, fees, or other charges..."
I was not ripped off by this company but being a faithful reader of I smell a stinker a mile away..

Company: BAS Bargain Advantage Society
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Camden
Address: 129 North Broadway Suite 501 Camden NJ 08102
Phone: 8009699967
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