Cobra Marketing / Code
Cobra marketing - code cutting all ties, advice sort

Business & Finance

Can anybody advise parents on what to do next, our daughter has worked with this group for over seven months, normally level headed, shes gone from being very family orientated, to very distant. At 22 she was doing well and had bought a car, then with-in three months of working with this group she has lost contact with all her old friends, moved out, lost the car got into so much debt, that her father and I where receiving threats of bailifs and had to pay out thousands to sort out. When she was at home, she'd leave the house at 6.45, travel to the office approx 30min, but not return from work till 9.30 ish, six and sometimes seven days a week.

When her father and I tried to point out the obvious she would ignore us or be very defensive about the company, she has won alsorts of awards, but unfortunatly they do not pay her way! I have only managed to speak to her twice since before christmas, she doesn't return tex or calls, its frowned on to contact the office and she has been living with a bloke who has been working for the company a lot longer, who apparently does not maintain contact with his own family and has absolutly no intention of encouraging our daughter to contact hers. I just want my daughter back as part of this family, I'm out of my mind with worry and need to know what to try next.

If anyone has had a similar expreience or son/daughter is about to embark on a similar so called job please post your thoughts.

United Kingdom

Company: Cobra Marketing / Code
Country: Europe
State: United Kingdom
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