Cash Net Usa
Harrassing words a. J richards said to me such as if your a turnip I won't ever call you again. Collectors NEW YORK

Business & Finance

Good afternoon, my name is Jenny and awhile back I recieved a payday loan from cash netusa for about 500.00 and now is 1400.00 which they keep tacking on these fees and with no notifiction, and unfortunatly, I wasn't able to pay the whole amount back, I didn't want them automatically taking the balance out of my out of my checking account so I closed my account and notified them I could send payments. Which was refused unless I gave banking info.

I recieved several collection calls 2-3 times a day at my home, job and cell phone, the first time I advised I could make payments and I couldn't pay the whole amount, they flat out refused my arrangements. They advised me I have to pay the full amount. I then kept recieving calls extremly rude calls. I advised on the phone as well as faxed over a letter stating I did not want any more harrassing phone calls to please notify me by mail.

I haven't recieved anything in the mail anymore reguarding this.
On January 13 I recieve avery upsetting message on my cell phone voice mail from mr. Bailey. That I have former complaint against my ssi # that was reported to their office with case # B157838. First of all that really upset me and scared me cause I knew I haven't done nothing that extreme
to have a complaint against me, That I had 48 hrs to call them back or it leaves them no other option but leaves no choice to put a negitive decision against me.
I called the # back spoke to a girl which didn't release name, didin't like my arrangements to mail a check for $50.00 in Feb.- so put me on hold then a manager a.J. Richards, got on the phone but didn't give his name, I had to call back to get it. He asked if I was Jenny with last name included I said he then proceeded to talk, I explained I refuse to give my banking info over the phone and I will mail a check and flat out refused it said I have to or they cannot except a payment leaves them no other choice but to proceed futher collection. Started getting very rude of how it's amazing we can give info to get money but don't want to give banking info to pay. I advised I didn't want to do that, as the conversation went on he got extremly rude was saying all these negative things how amazing we can take out a loan and can't pay it back, asked if I had a debit card I said no he said I needed to get one. Said amazing how we borrow money and people start saying they are harrassing them all the time. I advisd at this point I'm behind on my morgtage and I can't pay this month but I will start Feb Flat out refused started threating me how this is going into futher legal action. I said you cannot get blood out of a turnip A.J. RICHARDS then said rudley" well if your a turnip I won't call you!!! Anymore." I then said back are you calling me a turnip he said no you said it. I said no I didn't call myself A TURNIP I stated I said you can't get blood out of a turnip. He kept stating well that's what you said and started to get extremley rude andmoreless threatining. I finally told him off with nasty words as he was still running his mouth to me. I called back and the female who answered the phone I asked for his name and THE YOUNG LADY I spoke to she looked up my phone # and said YOU SPOKE TO ME refused to give her name stated I didn't do nothing she stated I spoke to her manager, A.J. Richards I was advising her I was called a turnip and how rude he was she then started to get rude stating well you owe the money don't you? I refused to answer that question and she advised was saying also that basically I need to pay this I advised her I understand that but I wanted a letter reguarding this and I will send a check once letter was recieved and they kept pressing for a check over the phone I ended call. These collections agency's threating people by not excepting a mailed payment how it has to be a post dated check or else. These payday loans are a huge Ripoff. They charge these huge fees and zap your banking account and you ask them not cause of financial issues - to they take the full amount but leave no other option but to cancel the account. They continue to zap funds.
Please see other compliants from other people. Was warry of getting a payday loan at all. But when you are very desperate for money, there seems to be no other alternative. I hope you are a reader that has not yet gotten a loan with cashnet usa.

Don't do it, heres why: this is another person's complaint I found also whcih is true I wasn't aware of these tems as well...

When I read the website, it said cahsnet usa has flexible repayment options, and if you recieve your income in a payper check, you are intitled to 1 extra business day to deposit a check. Neither turned out to be true.

When you apply for a loan with them, you select what they call the 'payment setting.' I of course selected to extend the loan, paying only $180 on my due date, of the $250 I would owe them for a $200 loan. The confirmation letter reflected this. However the loan agreement stated that I would pay in full. This agreement was presented to me after my loan was approved, but sent in email only, but I didnt read it untill a few days later to review my loan terms and payment options. Nothing in the loan agreement reflected the payment setting I selected. Also my loan status shown at thier site now said declined. I was confused and had questions.

So of course my next step was to contact customer care. I first spoke with an online based representative that you comunicate with through online chat. He would not directly address any questions and quickly stated that I had to pay in full, that I could not request a payment arrangement and provided no details as to why. No matter what you do, they will fight you while providing no information at all. I pressed and finally he said to contact thier collections department by phone.

So I did. This next representative didn't listen at all, telling me there was no loan shown. I explained there was, that I infact recieved money. She blurts out a question before transfering me, 'are you applying for a loan?' I say 'no' and then I am shuffled to another representative that also doesn't listen, repeats the same thing before telling me that I have to be transfered to customer care.

This next person was nicer, but seemed new at her job. I was placed on hold a lot then finally she said her manager told her that I actually recieved the loan in error and that this meant there was no possibility of a partial payment on my due dated. Again with no explaination as to why. A company that won't explain thier policies needs not to waste thier money on customer care services.

I am willing to give them a chance to explain thier side of the story, but it insults my intelligence when they symbolically say 'it's because I said so

Then I over hear someone speaking to her in the background saying 'just hang up.' She seemed nice so I said 'okay, I'll end the call.' She finally said no payment arrangements could be requested untill the loan has defaulted (un paid). Why couldn't collections say such a simple thing? They are paying three people to talk to me and only one gives me information even remotely usefull.

I tried one more time to call thier collections department. No one addressed any of my questions, but simply said they needed to connect me to customer service. I asked why and they said 'because you called collections.' I quickly responded 'I MENT to call collections.' This fact didn't phase them at all and I was sent back to customer service. I was finally told that a manager notated the account that I was to recieve no payment arrangements or credits. I quickly said that I wanted no credits and asked why a manager would do that.

She gave no information and rudely told me there was nothing she could do. Maybe thier customer care is staffed by volunteers that do this because it appeals to thier addiction to being cruel. If not, cashnet usa is wasting thier money employing them.

Again, beware of cashnet usa

lehighton, Pennsylvania

Company: Cash Net Usa
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Phone: 4436769730
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