Legal Mediation
Tom Law Disrespectful and incredibly rude

Business & Finance

As most people in Ohio I fell on hard timestrying to raise my daughter alone. I had a banking account that was always empty and a baby that always needed. I decided to do a payday loan over the internet. I had every intention of paying this company and I never thought it would get to this point but life happens.

Well in the string of bad luck I was receiving, there was a big thing in Ohio where there was tax information on certain people that was stolen from an intern at the IRS that contained all of my information; banking, social security number, address, the works. The government sent out letters and advised people to close any accounts that were used for maybe direct deposit of your tax return because they had not recovered the disk. So the banking account I used for the loan was closed.

I contacted the company and advised them of my situation, I explained that I could make my extension payment but it would have to be via mail because the extension amount was all I had. They said they could not accept mail payments it had to come from an account I advised I didn't have one.

All of a sudden my supervisor comes to me and says that Tom Law was on his voicemail saying that he really needed to speak to me, so of course I called him back this is the first and ONLY call I ever received from this man. When I talked to him he said the name of the payday loan place and that I had until 8pm to come up with the full balance or I had to deal with the law. I explained that was impossible and he had never called me before to make arrangements on this account. He said "I didn't have to call at all but because you have never been in this position before we were giving you a chance not to have legal action taken against you"

Again I expressed that 4 hours was not ample time to try and make arrangements with him and he went off!"Oh so you are being nonchalant? You don't care about the law? I give you until 8 tonight and you are telling me that you are just going to throw your hands up to the situation?" I could not believe him! So I stated if I did not care about the loan I would not have even called you back and then when I started to ask had he contacted me before to make any arrangements for me to have a deadline, he said, "alright you know what you just get yourself a lawyer and deal with the law from now on" and he hung up on me.

I called back to speak to someone else because this was completely baffling. I used to be a bill collector and he did not say the mini miranda (I am a debt collector and this is an attempt to collect a debt on behalf of whoever and anything obtained in this conversation will be used for that purpose) he did not even really explain the situation.

So whenI called back and spoke to someone else they explained to me that when it gets to their office the client is basically saying that you meant to write a bad check to them and they want to make sure that other creditors know this, and he said that they do not have to call you they can just take legal action against you.

I am going to research it more, but I believe the law in Ohio is different than Florida and suing someone for under $500 is not possible if you are a third-party collection company. I just want to let my fellow man know that this company is breaking laws and being disrespectful in the process. They do not believe that people that get payday loans have any intelligence and we just mean to get their money and run. I am not saying there are not people like that, but I am not one of them and I refuse to be treated like one.

Beware of this company and make sure to file complaints. This is not the first company to do this and I am sure it will not be the last, but with logged complaints someone will look into their practices and if they continue to make these calls which is harrassing to the consumer, they can get shut down.

Company: Legal Mediation
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Jacksonville
Address: 1919 Blanding Blvd
Phone: 8002010565
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