Unauthorized charges

Business & Finance

On 11/2 I was shopping the internet for hotels on, I had never logged onto the site. While trying out the name your price section of the site I was surprised to see that without my initials, the 3 digit code from the credit card that I was confirmed for a hotel reservation and my credit card was to be charged. My profile was in the system from a previous transaction a few years ago with them. I immediately called Priceline to find report this and got no help, sorry all sales final not once but twice.

I called the hotel to see if they could help me and in the conversation she asked me which reservation I was calling about, you see the Hotel has two. One was made on 10/31 and the one that had just been wrongly made on 11/2. When I went back and check email and accounts I see that there was indeed a confirmation and a charge. The same thing had happened to me had happened to my husband when shopping the site. Neither time had the proper data been entered, initial boxes checked, or the submit button clicked. I called Priceline again, and again I got no help.

When I went back to the Priceline site and tried to log off the site to be sure that this does not happen again I could not find a way to sign off. I had to go in and remove my credit card information. Which by the way took two buttons to confirm removal of the information. I guarantee that my family will not be using this site again.

I have since reported this to the Police as fraud and canceled my credit card as stolen as I feel violated. What else can I do to protect myself? What trouble have I caused myself by taking the step of canceling the car.

Country: USA
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