Providian, Direct Merchant, Cross Country Bank, Capital One Bank
Being Robbed by Providian, Cross Country Bank, & Capital One Bank, Direct Merchant unfair rip-off practices

Business & Finance

I had a loss of income. I called these credit card company's to let them know this. I told them that I was in the process of trying to find another job. I've been taking the little income I have, and taking it and dividing it up between all my creditors, which comes to exactly $15 each. I did this to let them know that I wasn't trying to shirk my responsibilities, and that my desire is to pay them.

I tried to make some arrangements with them, until I could get another job. None of them would agree to make any arrangements. Some of them told me flat out no! Cross Country calls me more than 4 times a day, morning, noon and night. I had to go to the hospital the other night, because of chest pains, thought I was having a heart attack. It wasn't a heart attack, but stress from my situation.

Instead of making some type of arrangements with me, until I can get a job and pay them, they've sent me to the collection agency, they've harrassed me on a daily basis. I could understand it, if I wasn't giving them anything, but I have faithfully been sending them the best I can, and they have been steady tacking on late and overlimit fees, raising it to an amount that even if I had a job I wouldn't be able to pay it. I haven't even been able to buy groceries in a month. I have had to stretch the food I already had, and it is almost down to nothing. Being a diabetic you know and I know that is not healthy. I've had to go to food banks, and had people giving me donation of food.

Your told to call up your creditors and that they will be happy to make arrangements with you, but this has not been the fact, these people seem to thrive off of robbing poor people.

I've had these credit accounts for years, and I've always had a good paying record with each of them. Now that I'm having a bad time, they make matters worse by giving me an even badder time. Its a word for their practices, and its called OPPRESSION of the poor. Even before I lost the income, I would pay the amount of my monthly payment and a little over, and my account balance would never go down not even one dollar with Capital One Bank.

Direct Merchant was charging me for things I hadn't charged on my account, and wouldn't take it off. Providian kept raising my limit, making my interest fees go up higher. Cross Country Bank harrasses me on a daily basis with more than 4 calls, saying the same thing over and over... Your account is overdue.

I realize that, and I also realize you can't squeeze the blood out of a turnip too. I have even told them to give me a job, since that is what I've been trying to get, and I can pay them.

Now I'm finding out that I'm not the only one who is having problems with these particular credit card companys. Something needs to be done about their unfair practices. I'm all for a class action suit against them. Maybe, others with complaints about them should think about this too. Let's get together and stop their oppression.

Company: Providian, Direct Merchant, Cross Country Bank, Capital One Bank
Country: USA
State: California
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