Cross Country Bank

Business & Finance

Cross Country Bank has added unfair charges to my account and as well they harass mean 3-4 times a day. Their call center is located 25 miles from me and they call me constantly. I have had heart problems and been in and out of hospitals, and unable to work. My mother has been paying on my account as much as she can. She called and made arrangements to pay an electronic check on her account.

She gave them all of her account information, and the idiots tried taking the money out of my account three times costing me $27.00 each time. Of course they would not pay me back, or credit my account. My mother made arrangements to make a payment on the 16th of next month (Apr), they agreed and said they would stop calling.

Four hours later they called for a payment. They called even 3 times on Easter Sunday. I called back and asked to speak to a supervisor they would not let me untill I told them what I wanted. I refused and had to call back several times and untill I told them I would come up and talk in person if he did not come to the phone did he answer. He refused to give me his last name. I asked why they keep calliing me after arrangements have been made he dodged the question. Finally things got heated and an agument insued I told him the harrasment better stop and he gave me some sort of mumble jumble about why it was not considered harrasment. It does not matter how many times you talk to them they will keep calling you.

Another thing is that is verry irritating and unprofessional is, I have call management that makes blocked number calls say who they are and what company they are from, and they continue to call and say "Hey Mark pick-up" like it's my best freind or something. I have asked them nicely to tell me on the call management recording that they are Cross Country Bank and I will be glad to talk to them. They countinue with there antics though.

Hurricane, West Virginia

Company: Cross Country Bank
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Boca Routon
Address: Boca Routon Florida
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