Trying to collect on bogus, bankrutcy discharged debts

Business & Finance

Scott Palelky, a collector with Fifth Third Bank called me on two occassions regarding a debt he claimed I owed to Fifth Third Bank. Scott's phone number is 1-800-652-5853, ext 66257. I belive that he works out of a Grand Rapids Michigan branch. His employee number is E987772. Fortunately I have some solid contacts at the local level with Fifth Third Bank that were able to supply me with good contact information. Before I even had a chance to challenge this alleged debt, he started asking me for my personal info - social security number, address, employer, work phone number. My first reaction was that this is a scam not unlike the Nigerian identity theft scams that have proliferated. I told him I worked for the FBI to throw him off guard.

I told him that I have never done business with Fifth Third Bank. He called a week later and that's when I went into action.

Folks, the only way to get rid of these scumbags is to threaten them with legal action and have the resources to back it up. Fortunately, I do have access to some of the best legal minds in the country through a large prestigiouos university where I work.

I have sent a 6-page letter and 5 credit reports that cover the last 3 years from the three credit reporting agencies to the following:

Kevin T. Kabat - Fifth Third Bank Chairman and CEO
Greg D. Carmichael - Fifth Third Bank Chief Operating Officer
Robery Sullivan - Sr. Exec. VP and regional Pres
Bob Cooper - TN State Attorney General
Roy Cooper - NC State Attorney General
James S. Smith - President -Regional Adjustment Bureau - collection agency
Several highly esteemed local attorneys and law professors

Funny thing is that I had no entry for this debt on my credit report until June yet Fifth Third claims the account was opened in June and I owe over $8,000. I have told them in no uncertain terms that I will file a lawsuit to have this derogatory information removed from my credit reports and their defense of this lawsuit will cost them considerably more than they could possibly hope to collect. They also know that I can sue for reasonable attorney fees of $400/hour for my legal defense even if the counsel is provided pro bono.

I have sent all parties involved a cease and desist letter regarding collection and have added statements to my credit reports that Fifth Third Bank is using extortion in the form of a derogatory and fraudulent credit entry to get me to pay a debt I do not owe to clear my credit report.

They picked the wrong guy to mess with. I plan to make their lives a living hell until they capitulate and realize that I will not fold. Having worked in the media for over 30 years I have drafted a lenghthy statement outlining my grievances to many local and national newspapers and the Network TV affiliates. Several large regional and national newspapers have expressed an interest in my story. I am considering a class action lawsuit and may ask some of you if you are interested in participating.

Stay tuned.

Company: Irate
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Cincinnati
Phone: 5135345300
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