OVFA Fundraising Center, Annette Miles
OVFA Fundraising Center, DOF Aka Annette Miles conniving, rude, two faced, unprofessional, drug user, scam artist, back stabber Ripoff


Director of Fundraising or conniving two-faced fat bitch? This is a phrase that often comes to my mind when thinking about the DOF in Coos Bay, Oregon.

Answer me this: when can you do drugs, sit on your XXX in a little office and look at magazines, take two-hour lunches, leave at least once a week (if not more) for a doctor's appointment, work odd hours of the night, and STILL have a job and be paid $20 an hour?! I'm pretty sure any other employer would fire this person.

The DOF in Coos Bay was caught popping her vicodin pills while on the job. She cried to the President of the organization and he saved her job without telling anybody at our "consulting company" CDG. Truthfully, this should have gone straight to the CFO and her XXX should have been fired. BUT, her job was saved and she got away scot free. The DOF agreed to go to an outpatient program which she did, but it didn't last very long. She quit going saying that, "they didn't treat her very well." So she was going to start going to a different place, well she never did.in March of this year the DOF had a relapse and was again popping her pills. She went as far as asking one of the TSR's for one of his prescription percocet. Still to this day NOBODY at CDG knows about this one. The President of the organization found out, but she told him that it was months prior to March that she had relapsed. So flat out, she lied to save her ass. Later on in April a co-worker and I noticed that the DOF was acting funny. It seemed like every other day the DOF was in a daze. I think she was popping something back then and I still to this day think that she is. The DOF in Coos Bay needs to be UA'd and should be on a monthly or even weekly basis. She screwed up and she should have to pay for it by being UA'd.

I know when I would walk by her office while at work she would just be sitting in her little "box" and be looking at magazines and cutting out pictures that she would use for her "dream home", which she'll never have. Shouldn't she have been listening to calls or going out in the community? Something other than sitting there and being paid to look at magazines? I wish I could be paid $20 an hour to sit there and do NOTHING!

Her lunches can explain themselves. Now doctor's appointments are a different story. So is she going to them to get more vicodin or does she truly have something wrong? I think it's to get more pills of somesort. Who in their right mind would see a doctor at least one time a week? NOT ME! I hate going to the doctor. Every week she leaves around 3 or 4 to go to the doctor. She has had a past history of irritable bowel syndrome, but you wouldn't be going to the doctor every week for this problem. They will give you something to help it so you don't need to be there every week. So what is really going on?

Back in January and February the DOF would come in around 2:00 or 3:00 P.M. And then stay until 3:00 in the morning. Why would you work these hours if you should be there when everyone else is working? This was a very puzzling thing to me. So what was she really doing there during those hours of the night? Everyone at our office gets off at 9:00 P.M. If not earlier. I wonder if she was going through the Admin office files and the manager's office, she sure wasn't listening to phone calls and writing TMV's because nobody had to talk to the manager the next day. It would make sense because of the type of person she is. This lady will be your best friend while she's stabbing you in the back.

The Director of Fundraising here in Coos Bay will find ways to terminate people or run them out of town. She has done this to two CCM's and has gotten rid of other people that she never should have.in the policies it states that the call center is supposed to be under the CCM's supervision. Well that is not the case here in Coos Bay. The DOF has taken over and thinks she is God. It is terrible! She runs everything that goes on in that office. The managers and admins have to practically bow down to her or she'll chew them a new one. She has gone over board with her title. She is only a liason for the OVFA and there are numerous call centers in the U.S. That run without DOF's. So her position can easily be eliminated, but she thinks she can walk on water. The management staff have no choice but to let her run things. See the DOF will try and run everything, but when it comes to standing on her feet or sitting in the office taking applications and answering phones she wants no part of it. I feel that if she really wants to run everything then she should be given the opportunity so she can see how hard and tiring it could be.

The DOF has done a numerous amount of wrong things. I heard that a TSR deviated from their script once and it was a Class A violation. If you get two of these within a year you get terminated and are not allowed to come back to work there ever again. Well this TSR deviated once again not too long down the road and the DOF retracted this TMV and gave him a "last chance agreement" instead. Well she once stated that "Telemarketing Violations never go away." She got this information from our Regional Manager too. SOOO tell me why this TMV was retracted when the TSR obviously didn't learn his lesson the first time? The TSR should have been terminated! But this isn't the only time she retracted the violation for this person and gave them a last chance. A few months later the TSR deviated from his script again! Well, guess what, that certain TSR STILL works there and I guarantee they will deviate from the script again.

There is so much I can go on and on about but I won't. Only because in time she will get hers and everything she has done wrong will come back and bite her in the ass. People are watching her VERY closely and it only will take time for the company or even better, CDG, to find out what she's really like. A two-faced, back stabbing, conniving, and lying bitch. It will only take time. Annette Miles will go down, and I hope she gets royally screwed over because she has screwed over MANY people in this town, myself included.

Company: OVFA Fundraising Center, Annette Miles
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Coos Bay
Address: 180 N 2nd Street
Phone: 5412676934
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