Usa Credit
Rip-off wrongfull billing fraudulent business

Business & Finance

I recieved the credit card under the impression that is was a normal credit card. When I recieved the package they were saying i would be charged for the processing fee on the card and if I were to purchace anything i would have to send in a down payment.

I went to log on to the site the first time and nothing came up so I naturally thought it was my computer. Later that evening I encountered a fatal problem with my computer and so that lead me to believe that it was my computer. Now that I have purchaced a new computer, I log on and I see that it was not my computer, that there is no USA Credit super store, and that this is the only site that comes up when you put the address in the search box or the http box. After reading what I have read tonite, they will not get a dime from me.

Today I recieved a bill and have never even been on their website, I am not totally shocked that this happened to me, cause it seems to happen to me all the time, well this time their not getting away with it.

Company: Usa Credit
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
Phone: 8002624192
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