Froze my computer and then my credit card number was compromised a few weeks later

Internet & Web

They had the ability to freeze my home computer until I purchased their software. At the time, I had a work project due and was trying to finish before the deadline. The message stated that my computer had many problems so I went along with it. Provided a credit card number and then everything was back to normal. A few weeks later, the same credit card number was compromised with a $600 purchase at a Dallas Best Buy. This seems very ironic to me.

Also, after I made the purchase, I recieved an email with all the information about my purchase - registration numbers, premium support phone nuumbers and instructions. I was only charged $79.95 versus the $99.99 that others are indicating.

Company: baku
Country: USA
Phone: 18004175679
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XP Antivirus Software
Internet software ripoff and fraud, credit card scam Phoenix arizona

Bestsoftsolutions. Baku 9364
Credit card fraud, unauthorized charges
The website froze my computer until I purchased the software. Then charged $99.90 to my credit card with no services rendered

Marketing Soft Solutions BAKU Marketing SoftSolutions BAKU Unknown I was working on my laptop when a popup box appeared informing me that I had 33 viruses on my laptop. My system froze and the only way I could continue working was

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Anti-virus Scam, Pop-up Virus Scam bakuaze
Got ripped off and tricked!
Froze computer so I could not do anything but click on their pop up

Baku Az Softwaredepository
REALGOLDSOFT BAKU AZ, SOFTWAREDEPOSITORY BAKU AZ invaded my computer forcing me to purchase there software thay rippedoff from my debit card $103.00 BAKU AZ