NCO Financial Systems
Rude and insulting staff

Business & Finance

After being contacted by NCO Financial Systems about a PayPal bill that I am disputing with Northwest Airlines, I will NOT ever give any money to them. I have NEVER before had anyone be so rude, insulting and just generally unprofessional to me. I am really disappointed in Paypal for using this company. And it's not just one person — I asked to speak to the supervisor, and he was the same. I asked to speak to his boss, and he was also awful. Unbelievable.

I was told the bill was for "something" I bought on eBay. I said no, I used Paypal to pay for airline tickets, and then my flights were cancelled. She said, well if you're just going to lie there's no point in talking to you.


Company: NCO Financial Systems
Country: USA
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Has caused me to go over-drawn, trying to pay a bill I didn't even owe. San Jose California

NCO Financial Systems, Paypal
NCO Financial Systems PAYPAL ripoff Rude individual named Derek Harrasing calls Ignorant and Stupid deceptive company I am disputing this bill

Pay Pal
Is not sending money due me

Unauthorized billing

Paypal - Felixofpeace - Ebay
Paypal, felixofpeace, and ebay ripoff nebraska

VERISON WIRELESS / NCO Financial Systems
Terminating Service before receiving bill, call from collections demanding $800, not take payments, and harrassment of my daughter in law

EBay - Paypal
Ebay/paypal holds my money because im new

Denies unauthorized transaction

Ripped me off do not trust paypal do not trust paypal! Worldwide

Bill Chang Phones4U
Ripoff Paypal Fraud Fraudulant email re: paypal purchase to obtain credit card/paypal info