Consumer First

Business & Finance

Yes this is card is ligit but they leave out the small detail that you can only use it for their wak ass catalog and their wak ass website. This is garbage. And the stuff on the wbsite and in the catalog are cheaper in the store and the delivery period is longer than it took to recieve the peice of shit card. Do not, i repeat, do not get this card unless you are 100years old!

Company: Consumer First
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tampa
Address: Tampa Florida
Phone: 8138794752
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Consumer First
Consumer rip-off fraud

Consumer Preferred
Ripoff dishonest, misleading, finally got my card and now there is no way to get to their so called "online catalog" and dont get anything in the mail, waste of $49.00

Consumer First
Ripoff Consumer fraud - $54.00 platinum credit card catalog?

Consumer first
Ripoff consumer fraud ripoff

Consumer First Platinum
Ripoff, fraud, false advertising, deceptive company false promises ripped off and scammed

Consumer First
Ripoff consumer fraud

Consumer Preferred
Ripoff, sent $49, sent catalog after 2mos., gave a # and web address no longer available

USA Platinum
Ripoff Consumer fraud CATALOG CARD vice CREDIT CARD rip-off

Consumer Preferred

Consumer First
Consumer first they made is seem like i was going to get a credit card they never said anywhere that is was a catalog members card consumer fraud ripoff