Fairbanks Capital Corporation
Ripoff deceptive company

Business & Finance

This website is wonderful... It makes a person feel better to know that others are standing up for some of the same reasons against the same company. August we were suppose to have our home in foreclosure then it was stopped.

However Fairbanks then started up same paperwork and home went back into foreclosure. Property was to have sold in November and we filed bankruptcy to stop everything. Our intention was to never go through with the final bankruptcy hearing.

We only wanted the time to get all paperwork that we needed and try to find out what was going on. The strange thing about all this is that we NEVER had a loan with Fairbanks. Our home was paid off August and we found out our mortgage holder did not file at courthouse that we paid our mortgage in full. We now have the proper paperwork.

However the bankruptcy filing is on our credit report. Fairbanks could never send us anything saying we had a loan with them. They even filed a form saying LOST NOTE.

A representative from Fairbanks (Mark) told us we were suppose to have been 18 months behind and he sent us a forebearance agreement agreement that was utterly rediculous. We would never paid them anyway because our home is paid for. How can a loan company get information on a persons home and then just out of the blue decide to foreclose? It was an awful experience.

Company: Fairbanks Capital Corporation
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Salt Lake City
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