Unauthorized billing!

Business & Finance

I have never heard of this website in my life and as of March 3 I was checking out my paypal account when I noticed an unauthorized payment from MegaGoods Inc. For the amount of $14.99. I can't seem to find a phone number from this company so, I can call them up and ask then how they got my personal info and why I was charged this amount.

I have went ahead and reported my Debit Paypal card lost/stolen to keep these jerks from trying this again on me. I have no idea how to go about this since, Paypal cannot stop the payment and cannot help me until the payment clears which is in 2 days or less.

The last I checked this is Illegal for making unauthorized payments using my personal info which was never given out to begin with. I will be speaking with the law on this matter for a lousy $14.99 that wasn't theirs to begin with.

For anyone that reads this, I am not rich and I am a single mom doing the best I can to provide for my infant. So, $14.99 could have bought a package of diapers to last a week for my son. Not to mention, I didn't have $14.99 to throw away to some company that stole my money.

Company: MegaGoods
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
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Inc. Took an unauthorized payment of $14.99 from my paypal account

Unauthorized withdrawal by Paypal

Megagoods cost me over $700 plus my eBay and Paypal accounts!

Unauthorized billing

Paypal Europe
Payment Transfers were not received by my bank from paypal account Europe

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