Flamingo Financing Co
Poor customer service!

Business & Finance

I have been with ff for about 3 yrs now and i will never!!! Recommend anyone to go through them they are terrible. They have very bad attitudes and poor customer service. I have asked them several times to send me a statement but i never received one. I was on maternity leave so i fell behind on my payments and i spoke with someone there asking what is the minimum i can pay to not have my car taken away, the lady there told me under $200, so i go make my payment feeling a little relieved. When i woke up the next day ready to go to my appt. My car is missing. I was very upset that was my only vehicle. I called them and the person told me, very carelessly that i made my payment after hours and its nothing they can do about it. I argued that i had made an arrangement to pay but at one time i got hung up on. When i called the towing place they told me the amount. I didn't know where i would come up with over $1,000 but i had to. (I also pay every week, $87). The towing company all american is bad to they took out my personal stuff and charged me $20 a day, i ended up leaving my personal stuff including 3 months of my new born baby's wic i begged standing outside the gate in the hot sun for them to give me at least that and they didn't. I can't wait to finish dealing with them it is the worst decision i ever made. Oh and even when you're on time with you're payments and calling to make another one, still more attitude.

Company: Flamingo Financing Co
Country: USA
State: Florida
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