Chase Mortgage
Chase home mortgage cripples the credit of military families

Business & Finance

I am an active duty member of the Marines and an Iraq War vet. I moved Duty Stations from Virginia to Mass last summer and my wife and I sold our condo at a loss, so that we could complete our military move and have our first child closer to family. The loss although difficult was the right move for us in the current market and we were determined not to file for Chapt. 11 or enter foreclosure. I sold my home and closed my loan with chase on 31 May. I have all closing documents to support this. Chase continued to send me bills and has reported me delinquent with two of three consumer credit reporting agencies, plummeting my credit and sending my family into financial peril. Angela Shelton at Chase has been telling me for months that this would be fixed. It is now January 15th we cannot get pre-approved for a new mortgage, apply for student loans for my Masters degree and our baby is due in 8 days. Chase Home Mortgage by their negligence and inaccurate reporting of my account history is financially ruining my family.

Company: Chase Mortgage
Country: USA
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