Platinum Plus Credit
Unauthorized transaction with bank account, refuses refund

Business & Finance

Discovered transaction on bank account of $49.95. I never dealt with this company before. Contacted them and they told me I had 48 hrs after i recieved email to request refund. Never applied for this credit was not looking for email and probably deleted it as junk mail. Apparently application was submitted on 12-26-07 but bank transaction just went thru on 01-07 and thats when I called to see what this was for. I told them never apllied for credit and wanted refund which they refused

Company: Platinum Plus Credit
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Carson City
Address: North Carson Street
Phone: 8009728094
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Platinum Plus Credit
Unauthorized Transaction with Bank Account

My Perfect Credit/clear Credit
My Perfect Credit - clear Credit ripoff, unauthorized debit, unauthorized credit transaction, possibly fraudulent


Luminous Brites
Unauthorized transaction

Consumer Advance Credit
Unauthorize transaction

HDFC Forex Card
No Refund since last 40 days of transaction

Liberty Club

Consumer Report

777 Discount Club
ZaaZoom Solutions, LLC. Did not select to use their service and they refuse to refund the money they took

CIC Triple Advantage
Unauthorized Charges