Luminous Brites
Unauthorized transaction

Health & Medicine

This company really sucks!!! They will offer you a sample product for $4.99 & then just debit your bank account with $88.97 in a couple of days without contacting you first for the transaction that they're going to make. Does anybody here got a refund? I try to call them & they say they don't entertain refund by phone, just email theor customer support. When I email them, they still would not give me a refund. What is that $88.97 for??? They should give us refund or I will really contact my bank for a dispute. Because this company is really stealing money from their consumers!!!

Company: Luminous Brites
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: DC
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ColonMed 700 (have To Refund At Luminous Brites Per CSR)
Luminous Brites / Colon 700ColonMed 700 (have To Refund Via Email At Luminous Brites Per CSR) Advertised free product, SH only - then sent me 2 bottles, unauth a chrg on my visa debit card

Luminous Brites
False advertisement/unauthorized transaction

Luminous Brites
Took $88.97 out of my account but I got a refund!

Luminous Brites
I order a free sample for 4.99

Company offers free sample and then steals $88.97 for a teaspoon of their whitening product GLENDALE CALIFORNIA

Luminous Brites
Unauthorized charges taken from bank account

Luminous Brites

Luminous Brites: not a "get what you see" company

Dialpad Communication
Ripoff Refund promised never received no phone number to call

Luminous Brites Luminous Brites Teethwhitening Scam - "FREE" whitening kit means $88.97 out of your bank account!