Chase Credit Card
I paid on the due date and they raised my 0% to 12%. I supposedly was late!

Business & Finance

Chase Credit Card attached my personal Chase Visa to my business checking account, which should not had been done. I never even requested any overdraft. They charged me over $151.00 which I eventually agreed to pay plus interest. Three months later they are still charging me the money I paid, plus more interest is accuring. I have called them and they plead ignorance or I am talking to someone in a foreign country.

I paid my payment on June 4 which was my actual due date. My next statement reflected a $39.00 late fee, plus $54.00 in interest, plus the $154 that agreed to pay is still being charged three months later. I have talked to the local bank manager two times.

I was told that I did not make my payment by the cut off date of 2PM EST.
Who knew?

I am transfering my account to a local credit union, close the Chase Credit Card and close my checking/savings accounts. I will continue to report their unethical business practices.

Company: Chase Credit Card
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Wilmington
Address: PO BOX 15299
Phone: 8884463308
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