Us Bank
Us Bank they have free access to my money SPOKANE nation wide

Business & Finance

Would someone please till me how us bank is getting away with stealing hard working peoples money and getting away with it? Who do they have on the payroll? They are doing things that no one else could ever get away with. Not even the government or irs can do what us bank does. They think that they have free access to your money, and are not a bit shy about helping themselves to it. We need a full scale government investigation into us bank and some of these us bank executives need to go to prison where they belong! I have been ripped off by us bank for the last time. This bank has the worst ethics that I have ever seen. Lying, cheating and stealing are all part of a days work at us bank. Myself; like many other low balance us bank customers, that I have read about on have repeatedly been swindled by this mega giant, and usually but not always thru somekind of legal loophole that is supposed to justify their foul deeds. And the fact that I am extremely upset with us bank does not seem to bother them at all, they could care less about their low budget accounts and the only way that they can make money off of us is by cheating us and stealing our money!

My latest incident with us bank started when I mistakenly wrote a check on a us bank account. A few days later I realized my mistake and called the company that I wrote the check to and made a payment over the phone but I was to late and the check was already submitted to us bank. I knew right then and there (from prior experience with us bank) that I had to call a couple of companies that I had preauthorized for monthly billings and change my account to another bank (Or given the opportunity, us bank would rake me over the hot coals.) One of them I caught in time, so then it was not autorized by me to go thru to us bank. So on this $19 item that went thru without my athorization us bank is charging $35 plus they even want to charge another $35 for the company resubmitting. I called us bank to dipute these charges and it was like talking to the wall. I have refused to pay and they are charging a seven dollar a day penalty until I give in. Do not bank with these b-st-rds

Company: Us Bank
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: 1784 E SPRAGUE
Phone: 5092906878
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