Freedom Financial Card
This company is deceptive, a ripoff, take unauthorized moneys from your accounts, Pinella Park Florida, Say NO if they call you

Business & Finance

I am writing to you, as I feel if I was misinformation to what this card was. I was under the understanding I would be able to use this card anywhere for emergencies, not just with your company, and nothing was said, about any down payments or shipping charges. Had I known this, I would have known this card was not going to help me.

I had specifically told the gentleman on the phone, we don't use credit cards, and if I got one, it would only be for emergencies, such as doctors, medicines, etc. The gentleman was aware that I was waiting for disability payments and that my long term disability was being delayed.

I was not explained using this card there would be 35% down payment or shipping charges on purchases, or that I would be ordering from a catalog or online. If I had known this, it would have been a clue to what this card was for. Furthermore I can't afford any of the products in the catalog or need any of them.

This man insulted me, and insinuated that I can't read or didn't read the documents sent to me. That if I can't read I should have let my mom or husband or neighbor read them to me. I have a college education and find his comments offensive. I am not illiterate. He also, told me that I got a letter to send a deposit slip and voided check along with my picture ID. I did send the deposit slip and voided check, but never sent a photo ID that,

I have called and complained and written 2 letter and now they take more money!!!

After the third request for a refund of $250.00 deposit for the credit card your company sent. I explained in prior letter and phone calls I was contacted by a gentleman from you company about a credit card, minimum of $2500.00 for deposit of $250.00. I was led to believe that this was major credit card, not a revolving car for only your company.

Since then there has been 2 unauthorized withdraws from my checking account without any notices or contact from your company. First withdraw was in January for $30.00 and then again in February for $10.00. Neither of these withdraws were authorized. I would also, demand that they to be refunded.

Company: Freedom Financial Card
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Pinellas Park
Address: 6471 102 Avenue PO Box 2783
Phone: 7275479083
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Freedom Financial Card

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