Accliam Debt Mastercard
Ripped me off by taken money from account

Business & Finance

I was on the internet and decided to apply for a mastercard with this company called accliam. And when they ask for my bank information i assume it was for to take out monthly payments, and once i realize what they were trying to do by taken my money out of my account for a whole other reason. I sent them an email and told them to not take money from my account at all, they did it anyway without my permission. My account became overdrawn by what they did. I called the 800 number and keep getting the run around, and i have not gotten the 150.00 they took from my account. Something must be done with company ripping people off.

Company: Accliam Debt Mastercard
Country: USA
State: California
City: Valley Village
Address: 5301 Laural Canyon Suite 132
Phone: 8004300067
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The company someway got my account number and charged my account for a mastercard. Ripoff