Fairbanks Capital Corp
Ripoff, harassment, inproper posting of payments mistreated and ripped off outlandish ripoff late fees mistreated and ripped off Hatboro PA

Business & Finance

Fairbanks Capital regularily posts my payments 1,2 or 3 days late. This is based on the date the payment has cleared my bank.

Fairbanks also holds the checks for up to 3 days before depositing them, this has been proved by the FedEx or Express mail receipts I use.

Fairbanks phone system is so poor that you can expect to be on hold a minimum of 15 minutes and the chances are 50-50 that when a human picks up your call they will hang up without saying one word to you. When you do get to talk to a human they are rude and completely unable to help. When I ask for a supervisor it takes 10-15 requests before I get put on hold (again there is a 50-50 chance that you will get hung up on) while a supervisor is loccated. The supervisor is just as rude and when asked for the next level up I am told there is no higher authority.

Fairbanks regularily calls requesting payments prior to the due date and frequently I find that they even call after the payment has been posted to my account.

I was fortunate enough to get a complete history of my account from Fairbanks, on the header it states a due date of the ninth of the month but the line by line details show that the payment should be made on the first of the month. My loan document shows a due date of the ninth. I have written them with this issue and they have not addressed it.

I am one two signer's for my loan, listed second on the original loan document. When I was able to finally get through to a human on their phone system Fairbanks tells me that I am not a customer and therefore they can not discuss anything concerning my loan.

My loan was sold to Fairbanks effective June 1. I have made my payment each and every month. So far I have issues with how the payments have been posted 11 times (out of 13 payments made). I have written 9 times and have not had a single issue resolved. I have been successful only six times in actually reaching a human on their phone system and each of those six time resulted in nothing but frustration. I only contact Fairbanks my mail at this point and after being told they have no record of the first two letters all following letters have been sent Registered Return Receipt. Even using this method they have no record of 2 of the register letters either.

I have been told by their customer service representatives that they do not keep any copies or records of the form letters that they send to me and therefore if I have an issue with anything they send to me I need to send them a copy of it.

Based on the other reports I see listed on this site I think maybe it's time to gather together and file a class action suit.

Charlestown, Rhode Island

Company: Fairbanks Capital Corp
Country: USA
State: Flordia
City: Jacksonville
Address: Hatboro, PA, Jacksonville, Fla
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