Merchant Credit Guide
Merchant's Credit Guide ripoff attempt

Business & Finance

I received a request in September (the request was not dated) to pay 2257.25 on a past unpaid bill. The 'client' I supposedly owed this money to was Palisades Collection. The account no. Suggested a credit card number, but I was not sure. The only situation I could think of was 20 years ago involving a stolen credit card, a brand new one stolen in the mail, which I quickly cleared with the bank - I was not responsible for the charge. Six years later the charge resurfaced and I was contacted by a rude collection agency, and I cleared it again by having the bank vice president write a letter to the collection aganey.

I wrote to Consumer Credit Guide (Ken Hughes) saying the charge was fraudulent, and I knew what they were up to based on the numerous complaints I pulled up on the itnernet, sent copies of my correspondence to the Attnorneys General in Illinois and California. I did no hear from them again. But I want this thing to go away for good, i want confirmation from someone that I do not owe this money. I have a perfect credit rating and do not want to mess it up.

Company: Merchant Credit Guide
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Chicago
Address: 223 Jackson Blvd
Phone: 8882491033
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Merchant's Credit Guide

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