Kensington Agency
Scamming honest lower-middle class America

Business & Finance

I was actually just searching for the contact information for Kensington because they've seemed to fallen off the face of the earth. Well, instead of any contact info, I was sent to consumer complaints. I'm not shocked, just extremely frustrated now.

I know I was taken advantage of at a time when I was most vulnerable and desperate. I was pregnant and didn't have a dime to my name so when I received the little green card in the mail I got very excited. Against my better judgment, I fell into their trap.
Of course, I had no money, so I borrowed the $300 from my brother. So, now I owe him money which I had planned to pay him back once I got my grants. Ha!

I'm irritated and I think these horrible people should have to answer for what they've done to the innocent involved. I want my brothers' money back!!

Company: Kensington Agency
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
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