Aspire Visa

Business & Finance

I had Aspire visa 3 years ago. They gave said there be no interst rate on my bill. I was paying more than what the bill was. If i got a bill for 100.00 dollars. I paid 110.00. Then after a few months. I got a bill for 200.00 dollars. I said what is this.

I called them. Asked them why is my bill 200.00 dollars.
They said there is 25% interest rate. I said oh no no. I was to have no interest rate.

They said well if you read our aggrement. You'll see that was just for the first month.

Anyways i asked for this account to be closed. I'm not paying nomore on this bill... Because yopu people lieing.
Then sudden next month. I got bill for 300.00 then for 400.00. Etc,
Then i got phone calls all hours of the day everyday. Asking for money!!! Then finally I got a bill over 1000.00 dollars. After they said this account is closed.inter rate went up over 50%... Wow... I change my num. You know now they call me. At my new num lieing saying i gave them this contack number. Liers. Saying it a laywers office.

I told this person. They have wrong person. Not to call my house she dont live here. So they 3 years now still calling me on new phone number.

After i said they have wrong person...

How do I stop this? First of all they lairs. They said be no interest rate. #2 I payed more than what bill is. #3 they now wont stop calling me 3 years now everyday... Help me

Company: Aspire Visa
Country: USA
State: Alabama
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