Rapid Collection Systems
Un-substantiated collections against my wife

Business & Finance

This collection agency has tarnished my wife's credit from a cell phone account that was paid off in full and closed, after the minimum term of the contract was completed. They claim that the contract was terminated early, and that we owe them $405.00 in disconnect fees, phone charges and collections fees. I have spoke with the cellular company and they have no record of any late fees, or defaulted contracts.

The third party retailer "The Activation Center" is no longer in business. They are the creditor that reported this. I have requested and recieved all documents that Rapid Collections has pertaining to this account. I have read over them and there is nothing stating that my wife violated the contract. The cellular provider claims the account was closed in good standing and that it was a 1 year service contract.

They show that my wife more than completed the minimum of 1 years of service with them. But yet this collections agency still insists that we pay this $405 dollar fee. It is un-substantiated! One paragraph states in the contract that; you must complete the minimum service time or you will be charged a fee of $300.00. My wife completed more than the minimum!

To make thigs worse, we are about to have a baby and are in the process of buying a home! What really sucks, is that in order to get the interest rate that we need to buy this home, we have to pay these people. WHERE IS THE JUSTICE?!? We havent paid this yet... But if there is an attorney out there that has a good heart to help us. Please do so. This just isn't right.

Why should consumers have to prove that they don't owe debt!? Why shouldn't the debtor be forced to prove it!? I mean really prove it, reciepts, documents, contracts. I see none of this! The collections and credit system is so bueraucratic it's rediculous! PROTECT THE CONSUMERS, DO YOU HEAR ME!?

I hope I get some good feedback on this, because I'm hot. My wife is pregnant, stressed out and upset because she's worried we wont get the house due to this inaccuracy on our credit report. Tell me you wouldnt be as well.

Good day!

Company: Rapid Collection Systems
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 425 7th Ave
Phone: 6022793738
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